“When it comes to learning second languages the general consensus is the younger the better, simply because they are knowledge sponges during these years. This is something Whistlefritz knows well and they demonstrate time and time again that they are simply the best at what they do.”
— The National Parenting Center, 2019 Holiday Seal of Approval Report
“When it comes to learning second languages the general consensus is the younger the better, simply because they are knowledge sponges during these years. This is something Whistlefritz knows well and they demonstrate time and time again that they are simply the best at what they do. Spanish for Kids: La Gran Colección is a group of CDs and DVDs that teach basic Spanish using the immersion method, which in a nutshell is only using speaking in the language you are teaching. Testers were surprised and blown away witnessing first-hand how effective this method was with their kids. Child after child who spent time with this program came away understanding many common words in Spanish (i.e. animals, colors, numbers, seasons, letters, etc.) The videos are entertaining and effective, using a combination of live people (lots of kids) and animations along with music and dancing. They are just the right length to keep a young child’s attention. Not only will your child learn some Spanish, but this collection is also suitable for adults – both as a refresher and a way to learn the basics.”
— Elena Epstein, Director of the National Parenting Product Awards.