Category Archives: Back To School (Spanish)

LOS DEDITOS (The Fingers)

This bouncy, interactive Spanish children’s song teaches Spanish numbers from 1 to 10. The video clip appears in Whistlefritz’s language immersion video Spanish for Kids: VAMOS A JUGAR.  The song is from Whistlefritz’s CD ¡A BAILAR!  Song “LOS DEDITOS” from the Whistlefritz CD ¡A BAILAR!Video from the Whistlefritz video VAMOS A JUGAR.


This high-energy, interactive song “EL BAILE DE LAS MANOS” teaches kids Spanish vocabulary for positional words (ex: in front of, behind, on the side, etc.).  Kids use their gross motor skills to act out different Spanish positional words — in front of, behind, above, below — all to lively Latin music.  The video clip appears […]


This high-energy Spanish song “LOS MESES” teaches the months in Spanish. The song, performed by Jorge Anaya, is from Whistlefritz’s CD CHA, CHA, CHA. Los meses, los meses, los meses del año. Cantemos ahora los meses del año. Enero, febrero, marzo y abril. Cantemos ahora no es tan difícil. Song “LOS MESES” from the Whistlefritz […]


The Spanish clean up song “HORA DE LIMPIAR” makes clean up time feel like play time! This high-energy Spanish children’s song teaches kids the Spanish words for cleaning up, like broom, mop, rag, cleanser, etc. The song reinforces Spanish vocabulary as kids really clean up or simply act out the lyrics.   The song “HORA DE […]

ADIÓS (Goodbye)

This fun Spanish children’s song “ADIÓS” teaches different ways to say “goodbye” in Spanish. From “adiós” to “hasta luego” and “hasta mañana“, this participatory Spanish goodbye song ends the day on a high note. “Nuestro tiempo juntos se acabó. Oh! no, no, no, no! Es la hora de decir adiós. Oh! no, no, no, no!” […]