The song, composed by Didier Prossaird, is from the Whistlefritz CD CARNAVAL.
Song “COMMENT ÇA VA ?” from the Whistlefritz CD CARNAVAL.
(How Are You?)
©2018 Didier Prossaird
All rights reserved
How are you?
I’m doing well, and you?
Very well, thank you
Come play with me (2x)
How are you?
I feel great, and you?
Well then, me too
Come walk with me (2x)
How are you?
Really, why?
It’s raining. I’m going home (2x)
How are you?
I don’t feel well at all
Really, why?
I have a fever and I ache all over. (2x)
How are you?
I’m tired
Really, why?
Because you woke me up (2x)
How are you?
I’m doing better, and you?
Very well, thank you
Come dance with me (2x)