Embark on a musical celebration with this lively collection of 15 French children’s songs from the award-winning series of Whistlefritz language programs for kids. Your French-learning journey begins with a tour of the French-speaking world with On parle français (We Speak French) and Tu habites où? (Where Do You Live?)  The party continues with irresistible celebration-themed songs – Halloween, Thanksgiving, La chandeleur, La galette des rois, and Mother’s Day – that teach children vocabulary for the family, food, camping, seasons, and much more! The CD ends with the unforgettably beautiful French folksong À la claire fontaine.  The songs are performed by award-winning vocalist Rachel Sparrow and musician-composer Didier Prossaird. From calypso and reggae to New Orleans brass and Latin rhythms, the CD’s diverse musical styles are a carnaval for the ears with catchy melodies that kids will want to hear again and again. Lyrics, translations, and a vocabulary guide are available as an easy reference guide for parents and teachers. Join the Carnaval and you’ll be singing along in French in no time!
The translation guide and song lyrics can be downloaded here.